Do you want to be a slave to other people’s approval? Or a free person subject only to your own estimation?
You may extend the sphere of your affections, or contract it, according to the needs of the moment, and in response to the intentions of the people before you. This is in your power, and according to your choice. You set the boundary of your love, and open – and sometimes close – the doors that allow it to interact with other people. Be wise and choose powerfully, asserting both your right to self-protection and liberty to risk connection with another person.
— Nelsonia
Marcus Aurelius was an ancient Roman emperor who kept a journal of thoughts to himself, entitled Meditations. This is one of the few books I inherited from my late father.
Eric, How very true that statement is. Oftentimes, we are swayed in our thinking by the opinions of others. God encourages us to form our own decisions based on the purpose He designed for our lives. When we step out in FAITH, though it may not always be popular, it is ALWAYS worth it.
A great truth and one we often forget to utilize. Love everyone is a great idea but your post reminds us that to avoid overwhelm we may have to adjust the door!