Art Day 3: The Flower

In Norway, Sweden and other Scandinavian countries the dominant folk art is “rosemaling”, which means decorative painting. I’ve lived in Sweden twice and came to admire rosemaling. When I returned home after my first trip, I attended a Scandinavian dance festival at Folklore Village, in Ridgeway, Wisconsin and learned this art at a workshop. I don’t use the traditional paints anymore, but I do enjoy using pen and colored pencils to make the fantasy flowers of the genre. I made this piece for my wife.

2 Replies to “Art Day 3: The Flower”

  1. Eric,

    You have lived a rich and interesting life and it shines through your writing and your art.

    I look forward to your posts!


    1. The evidence for lasting immunity is mixed, which is why I could write my post Reinfection Happens too. Immunity to the coronaviruses that cause colds lasts about one year. However, immunity to SARS — a close cousin of Covid-19 — lasts at least 2-3 years. Not enough time has passed since the pandemic began in January for us to observe how long immunity lasts. Let’s hope it lasts long enough for an effective vaccine to be available.

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