War Day

Tui is the Germanic god of war. And on this Tui’s day, we find ourselves at war against our ancient foe, the viruses. The coronavirus wields heavy weapons, attacking lungs, blood vessels, and other organs. We defend with oxygen, blood thinners, Remdesivir, dexamethasone, even vitamin C and zinc. Mostly, we are winning; you are three times more likely to survive a Covid hospitalization now than in March. But the losses are so horrific — loved ones suffocating to death, sometimes alone —- that the war looks and feels bleak. A feeling of helplessness sets in. What can we do?

You’ve heard it all before. Wear a mask. Stay home. Only socialize with people in your own household or a trusted “bubble”. And so forth.

We can only play defense for now. But soon will come the time for offense. Vaccines will arm the body for attack. Manufactured antibodies will flag the virus for destruction. Antivirals will mop up the rest.

It may not feel like it, but this moment is the turning of the tide. We will win this war. One day at a time.

— Nelsonia