

Set in Queens, New York, this exceptionally well done article is 100 percent humanity suffused with the sheer terror of the coronavirus. It’s set in the early spring of last year, when I myself was hospitalized with the virus. By the end of the article I was in tears mourning the loss of the colorful and sympathetic characters portrayed.

Colorful and sympathetic characters are dying still. Everyday, in scores, here in Wisconsin. As a chaplain I’ve watched them die, I’ve been with families while they die. The virus is real, and it’s killing real people with real life stories and personal history.

I can’t wait for all this to be done. For the vaccines to be distributed and the dying cease. Right now, though, it’s a tough winter.

Do a favor for us in healthcare. Stay safe. I don’t need to tell you how. Stay safe. Keep others safe. We don’t want to see you in the hospital with this virus.

And take a few moments to honor those who have died. The article will help you do that.

Also, if any of you know of Wisconsin articles covering stories of people afflicted by the coronavirus please let me know. Thank you.

— Nelsonia