Unholy trinity, revisited

Note: In a previous article there was some readers who felt I was unfairly negative about money, sex and power. There is some truth to their criticism. In response, I revisited the topic with a more positive perspective that better represents how I feel about the relationship between money, sex and power and the spiritual life. Thank you for your patience and forbearance as I work through this topic.

In Christianity we worship in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Father creates all things. The Son reveals God’s heart by becoming one of us. The Spirit shows the presence of God in the world. This is the ancient doctrine of the Trinity. One God in three Persons.

Then there is the trinity of money, sex and power. These are primal forces that we can’t do without. Evolution has programmed them into us. There is nothing inherently bad about money, sex and power. It’s how they’re used.

Money is the medium of human labor and ingenuity that powers the economy. Nothing wrong about that.

Sex forges a deep connection between two people and brings new life into the world. This is something almost everyone wants.

Power directs people toward cooperative activity, safeguards order and protects people from harm. Sounds essential to me.

So what’s the problem?

This secular trinity can become unholy when its components are pursued selfishly. Money becomes the goal rather than a means to achieve goals. Sex is sought for pleasure alone, rather than for life-giving love. Power is pursued to manipulate and intimidate, rather than to serve the greater good.

Christianity, and most religions, offer a redeemed version of these prime movers. Sex is subsumed into love and marriage. Money is tamed by generosity and stewardship. Power becomes the servant of humility.

We can worship money, sex and power. Or we can follow the ways of generosity, love, and humility.

What do you choose?

— Nelsonia