Chasing the sun and finding Eden

I was driving to the grocery store when I saw it. A giant orange orb, swaddled in pink cirrus clouds, sinking toward the earth. I put the shopping trip on hold, rolled down the windows and drove around west Green Bay, chasing the sun. It was setting fast, dipping below the passing tree lines. I finally caught up with it in the parking lot, setting behind distant trees, a fierce red glow, like a wildfire on the horizon.

I noticed something. During my sun chase, I had stopped worrying. Not a thought about  today’s bills, or purchases best not made. Not a question about yesterday’s visit in the Emergency Department, nor a worry about tomorrow’s on-call shift. No dread of Covid either.

This is what nature can do for us. She can pluck us from the strife of everyday life, and put us back into Eden.

Eden can be found anywhere. Under the stars at the cabin. In the cathedral of the woods. On the beach, immersed in the roar of waves. In the garden, moving aside soil. In fact, wherever we are immersed in Creation, we can find Eden. We only need to quiet our minds and engage with what’s around us.

After I had chased the sun, I returned to grocery shopping. I was back in the aisles, weary with my lists. When I got back to the car, I realized I had forgotten something.

We may not be meant to stay in Eden, but I was grateful knowing I could visit again.
