Reinfection happens

In what feels like good news/bad news week, Science released an article today (11/19/2020) about Covid reinfections. Though rare, people can be infected twice. Typically, the second infection is milder than the first — but not always.

Reinfections are common with many illnesses. So called sterilizing immunity, where the body prevents reinfection entirely, is rare. The usual scenario is reinfection, with mild or no symptoms, followed by rapid recovery. Reinfected patients are usually not contagious.

The immune system is not perfect, nor does it work instantly. Recovery from Covid mitigates any subsequent reinfection but may not prevent it entirely.

All this reminds us to take precautions — masking, distancing, etc. — even for those who have recovered from Covid-19.

— Nelsonia

War Day

Tui is the Germanic god of war. And on this Tui’s day, we find ourselves at war against our ancient foe, the viruses. The coronavirus wields heavy weapons, attacking lungs, blood vessels, and other organs. We defend with oxygen, blood thinners, Remdesivir, dexamethasone, even vitamin C and zinc. Mostly, we are winning; you are three times more likely to survive a Covid hospitalization now than in March. But the losses are so horrific — loved ones suffocating to death, sometimes alone —- that the war looks and feels bleak. A feeling of helplessness sets in. What can we do?

You’ve heard it all before. Wear a mask. Stay home. Only socialize with people in your own household or a trusted “bubble”. And so forth.

We can only play defense for now. But soon will come the time for offense. Vaccines will arm the body for attack. Manufactured antibodies will flag the virus for destruction. Antivirals will mop up the rest.

It may not feel like it, but this moment is the turning of the tide. We will win this war. One day at a time.

— Nelsonia

Moon Day

Monday, the first day of the work week, is forever linked to the moon and its haunting light. And tonight my mind is haunted too, by this number:


This is the number of people who have died since the Covid epidemic began (Source: Imagine Dallas, Texas. Now imagine all of its inhabitants dead from Covid-19. That’s where we’re at with the death toll from Covid-19.

Each of the dead leaves behind a trail of grief. Each of those lost lives are a mirror to those who loved them, saying, “You were my life. You were my happiness. You were my sunshine. And now you are gone.”

All 1,332,328 of them.

— Nelsonia

The Sun’s Day

We begin the week with a bit of hope, which is fitting on Sunday, the day when Christians celebrate Jesus’ resurrection. Sunday is also the Sun’s day — a day of light, warmth and hope — celebrated by all.

The hope I would offer today is this. A vaccine is coming. Pfizer has one that is more than 90% effective in preventing Covid-19. Further testing is ongoing, but everything points in the right direction. We will soon have a viable vaccine against the coronavirus.

There are dozens of vaccines lining up behind Pfizer’s. Several of these are now being tested against placebo controls — shots that do nothing — in the real world where the coronavirus is spreading uncontrollably.

At least some of these vaccines will protect us against Covid-19. And as long as enough of us are willing to get vaccinated, the pandemic will subside.

Just in: A second vaccine, made by Moderna, is 94.5% effective in preventing Covid-19, according to New York Times reporting overnight.

Coronavirus Diary

Today I will be resetting this blog. Until the pandemic comes to an end — and we begin to venture out, hug our friends, kiss our loved ones, go out to restaurants; until our schools reopen and all the planes are full; until Disney World awaits both young and old, and the news cycle finds a new anxiety to highlight; until then — I’ll be bringing you a post every day. It may be a very short post — a paragraph, a factoid — but I’ll provide something. I want to do this to share the knowledge I’ve amassed about the virus as I work on my book about getting and recovering from Covid-19. I hope you will join me. Blessings!

— Nelsonia

When public health agencies disappoint

Some of you may have noticed the inconsistency of advice coming from official agencies regarding the coronavirus. (We don’t need to mask, we do need to mask. There aren’t many asymptomatic transmissions, there are lots of asymptomatic transmissions. The death rate is 5%, now 1%, finally 0.5%.)

This might make us think that these organizations are incompetent. Some would even say dishonest. Perhaps they are reporting inaccurate information to gain advantage for themselves or other people they are beholden to. This is how conspiracy theories start. As soon as we lose trust in information sources, we want to know why, and generally we find an explanation however unlikely.

I’d like to offer another explanation for changing advice and statistics about the virus. It’s in the nature of science that findings change. There are more mask studies, and so we discover the usefulness of masks in tamping down the epidemic. We discover lots of asymptomatic infections, and this drives down the overall death rate. This is normal science. Yet this cycle of change can feel deeply unsatisfying. Can’t we just have some reliable information on how to keep safe from this deadly virus?

We all want absolutes, especially in matters of health. If a recommended treatment for our illness changes, we can feel that we’ve wasted time, energy and money on something worthless. This feeling is understandable. But science doesn’t offer us absolute truths, only provisional ones. And for those truths to be of any use, they have to be applied promptly. With heart attacks or pandemics, doctors and policy makers don’t have the luxury of waiting for perfect knowledge. They have to act with the information at hand.

In the war against Covid-19, provisional truth is the only intelligence we have. The sooner we accept this the less upset we will be with new policies, changing treatments, and updated statistics. Better knowledge leads to better interventions. The virus is suppressed. Fewer people die. And society is enabled to safely reopen — an outcome we all want.

Know and remember this: Science is provisional. If we want absolutes we should turn to our faith traditions which provide revealed rather than experimental truth. Religion — or faith, spirituality, use the word that works for you — gives us the unchanging security we long for. It doesn’t hurt to pray for a miraculous end to the COVID-19 pandemic. God knows, we need one. And if we are people of faith let’s believe in a good and hopeful future. But let’s not expect of public health agencies what they can’t give. Their information and advice will always be changing. For the unchanging turn toward the Sacred and Divine. We’ll all be a lot less disappointed.

Pandemic Birthday

This year I had a very special birthday. A birthday I almost didn’t have. This was the birthday that COVID-19 almost stole from me. Were it not for the heroic efforts of my doctors and nurses, my birth date would be inscribed on a tombstone, rather than marking a day of celebration.

This year I celebrated my birthday at home. I was given a sushi dinner and an angel food cake decorated with whipped cream frosting and fresh berries. Balloons and streamers hung from the fan blades in the kitchen, the handiwork of my youngest daughter.

I got homemade cards from both my daughters with sweet sentiments. I opened gifts. I smiled often. I walked the dog with my wife. I drove my car up and down a nearby avenue studded with traffic circles, making for an entertaining tour. Then, I went home.

This is where the pandemic has placed me. At home. With those I love. Home is where the heart is. It’s a cliche, but like many cliches, it conveys truth. Where is your heart? There you will find your home.

I know that home is not always a happy place. I know that some homes are homes of one. I know some have no physical home at all. But I hope that, whatever our circumstances, we have some people who count as family, and some place that feels like home–where the heart is.

Don’t assume: a sermon to myself

Don’t assume.

Don’t assume you have many years ahead of you. Don’t assume you’ll retire someday and then take that dream trip. Don’t assume you’ll always have money, that your health will forever be good, or that you’ll have time to accomplish your most cherished dreams.

Don’t assume your loved ones will always be here. Don’t assume you’ll be able to get together in the future when it’s convenient. If you want to visit your aging parent or long lost friend, book travel now. Don’t assume you’ll have time—someday, when you feel ready—to say the things you want to say. Speak now, while you still have time.

God has woven endings into life.

Don’t assume you have forever.


The narcissist

Viruses don’t care about us. They are the ultimate selfish person, the malignant narcissist. Viruses only want to use us.

Viruses don’t care if they make us sick. They don’t care if we die. They care about one thing — making as many copies of themselves as possible. Moving from one body to another to do so. One household to another. One city, state, or country to another. They are relentlessly self-centered and mindlessly mobile in pursuit of their objective.

Viruses don’t care about our plans, desires or motivations. All that matters to them is that another body is nearby when they force its host to cough or sneeze. They prey on our desire for connection. They hunt us down as we peacefully enjoy a concert or worship God in his many sanctuaries. These are merely opportunities for narcissistic reproduction.

Viruses don’t care about our values. They have no compassion or compunction. They live without regret. They are alive only in the sense that zombies are — to mindlessly consume people. They are the adversary who must be killed before they kill us. This is war.

We can win this war.

We already know how to defeat this enemy. Isolate the sick. Quarantine the infected. Keep distance from strangers. Shun crowds. Stay home.

These methods are repellent to our human nature. We want to congregate, we enjoy gathering with friends. It’s natural to shake the hand of a new acquaintance or hug an old friend. But these are dangerous impulses now, motivated by our yearning to connect with others, yet co-opted by the virus to further its self-centered objectives.

But it is precisely these antisocial tactics that will ultimately overcome the virus. Because the quarantines and self isolation, the travel bans and shut downs of social gatherings are not antisocial at all. They are how we love our neighbor during these dangerous times. Keeping distance from our neighbor actually helps our neighbor, because it protects them from us, and us from them.

Social distancing is social. It’s an expression of love. For love sacrifices. Love does the hard but right thing. Love thinks of others, before it thinks of itself.

In the battle between the coronavirus and humans, love is going to win. Because like any narcissist, the coronavirus has a weakness. It lives for itself. But human beings live for love.